What to expect when you work with me
For many folks, this work seems vague.
There aren’t many things like it out there. It’s not therapy. It’s not your typical coaching experience. It’s not your typical spiritual healing session.
Also, I tend to value vagueness and circularity because we never know where our paths are going to take us — especially when we start radically changing what we ask for and say no to.
I don’t trust healers, coaches, or space holders who are beholden to a linear path, a “right” way, or a “proven” method.
The fact of the matter is, I don’t know what is going to show up in our sessions together. But the magic of this space is that every part of you is welcome.
Your sexual desires, tears, joys, shame, grief, trauma, fantasies, pleasures, and pain are all welcome.
🔥 The most beautiful thing I can offer to you is a space where you get to ask for anything that you want. I may not be willing to give you everything that you ask for, but here with me, you get to ask for it and I will hold you in it.
🔥 I offer you my presence. In our time together, I will be there for you and you will get to feel the power of being present and intentional with another human. While our relationship is transactional, I will show you how even in that, we can choose to come together in love, intimacy, and connection.
🔥 I will guide you through your desires. Desires are tricky and most of us have been taught to hide, ignore, or feel ashamed about them. Not here. Here you get to name them, see them, feel them, and ask for them.
It’s also important to name that desires aren’t just about erotic pleasure. Desires can be about feeling safe, being seen, feeling calmness in your body, or addressing the grief, shame, or guilt you’ve held for far too long.
🔥 I will teach you how to improve your skills and capacities to hold pleasure and pain. Few things in this culture teach us how to navigate pleasure and pain. And so we must make a conscious decision to unlearn what we’ve been programmed to think and then do something different. I can do that for you.
🔥 I will see you. This is what I am best at. I will see you in your body as well as in the subtler depths of your soul. I will notice when there is dissonance between what you are projecting at the surface and your emotional vibrations. I will see you and you will feel seen.
So many of us know the deep pain that can come when we are not seen. And in this space, I want you to know what it is like to be in relationship with someone who does see you. And not just the parts you think are good.
I don’t care about good or bad here. I only care about vulnerability, honesty, and integrity.
We navigate all this through embodied experiments. Some involve touch and some do not. Some involve your erotic body and some do not.
These experiments are two-way. It is important to me that you learn to recalibrate your body to both receiving & giving, pleasure & pain.
Through that process, you will have an opportunity to find massive transformation within yourself. I’ve seen it happen many times. It doesn’t always look the way you thought it would. The ripples of this work always extend farther than we expected. And when they do, magical things happen if you are willing to allow it.