Friends, lovers, beaches, books, and croissants
I spent the last week with beloved friends and lovers. I spent it laughing, crying, having amazing sex, reading, eating croissants.
I walked the beaches in Sitges sweating and reflecting on my past. I wondered about my future and if the desires I’d been holding on to were what I still wanted.
And I was able to sink into a new level of awareness of the fulfillment, peace, and deep pleasure that is there for me.
The last week reminded me of the healing power of community, love, connection, vulnerability, and deep pleasure.
In many ways, I’m amazed that I created this because I can vividly remember a time when I was deeply unfulfilled and wondering if I would ever find people who could see me and love me.
I’m so happy and proud of the choices I’ve made over the last several years that got me here. I’m happy with my decisions to step forward in some areas and backward in others.
Many of those choices were not easy. Many of those choices came packaged with grief, shame, and guilt. But as I developed a capacity to hold more pain, I also developed a capacity to hold more pleasure.
The work I do with clients is the same work I do with myself. It is a deep exploration of the physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies. It is a practice of honing and refining my desires, limits, and wisdoms of the mind, body, and heart.
The path that this work takes us on can be so pleasurable, exciting, and fun. And it can also stir up challenging questions, traumas, and pain.
But it is so worth it.
Fulfillment, peace, and deep pleasure are worth it.