It takes one person to make your relationships better

It’s easy to get defensive, to blame the person(s) in front of you, to wait for them to change.

But your relationships, sex, and intimacy are not going to get better until you take responsibility for yourself, your desires, and your limits.

Responsibility is something I talk a lot about. Mostly because I know what it is like to be in relationships where we are all taking responsibility for each other's thoughts, bodies, food, beliefs, likes, desires, and limits -- while ignoring our own.

In relationships like that, it's almost impossible to find peace and ease and quite easy to find distrust, manipulation, worry, and stress.

The simpler step is to come into ourselves, our own bodies, and our own responsibilities.

When we do that, when we can get clear about our individual limits and desires, then we can have deeper conversations about the limits and desires of our relationship.

It can be easier.

It's simple. And in the simplicity, we find incredible opportunities for transformation.

The best part is that it is a lot easier to change yourself.

That’s the only thing you can do.

The worst part is the grief that comes from stepping back and loving people from greater distances.

These are all skills that most of us are not taught.

We are not taught to take responsibility for our desires and limits.

We are not taught to hold and care for the grief that comes when we step back from people we love.

And it all gets a lot easier when we are in...

→ communities of practice

→ spaces created with care, accountability, and vulnerability

→ relationships with shared agreements

If you're curious about how this looks for you, send me a message.


Reframing rejection


This is not sex coaching