Touch, Pleasure, Presence Registration

Your payment serves as your registration. Your spot will not be held until full payment is received.

Pricing is based on your body designation with two sliding scales to acknowledge the inherent obstacles and emotional, energetic, and physical labor that intentionally exploited & traditionally marginalized groups encounter when entering these spaces. We also want to bring awareness to the unearned financial advantages that white-bodied, cis-gender, non-disabled folks have received.

Base tuition is $650

If you can afford to pay more, your money will go toward helping support community members who ask for and need it, and it will help support the continued education & training of the facilitators and assistants so they can continue with this deeply important work.

If it is challenging for you to pay the base tuition right now, please select an amount that you can pay and know that you are being held by other folks in the community.

Register and pay here

Registration for Black & Indigenous bodies, bodies of culture, trans, or disabled folks
one-time payment

Registration for folks who identify as white-bodied, non-trans, and non-disabled
one-time payment

Body designation and identities: We recognize that there are inherent limitations when asking folks to make designations around their bodies and identities. It is always more complex than the boxes we provide and rarely clear or simple. I ask folks to choose what feels best for you.

  • This language regarding body designations is influenced by the work of Resmaa Menakem and Education for Racial Equity. If you are interested in learning more, we recommend visiting their website where they have resources for all bodies & individuals.